The Interview, Creative Soul Video, Video Production Company in Minneapolis, MN, Expert Video Creators Near Me

🎬 The Interview

Most people get a little nervous thinking of going on camera for the interview. We hear you. Nobody really loves it — however, we make it easy and think of it more like a gentle conversation. Don’t worry, this is not a hard hitting news story, this is YOUR brand story or your company’s marketing piece — we’re simply the service providers to make sure you sound and look great on camera.

Our video production team has always been recognized as a company with heart — ultimately meaning we treat you how we would want to be treated. Thus, making the “interview” more of a fun and comfortable process for you or your subjects.

We don’t come in with a big list of hard hitting questions. In fact, we rarely come in with a list of questions, it’s much more natural and conversational. We strive for authenticity.

Remember, this is YOUR interview, not ours. We just guide you along so that you touch on the important key messages. If you make a mistake on camera, no worries, we just do it again to make sure you sound great. Easy peasy.

We get close with our hearts before getting close with the camera.

In other words, we get it, no one likes having a camera shoved in their face. We take it to another level where we honor the people that we are fortunate to have a conversation with. That’s why we think of ourselves as human-centric with our creative and soulful approach.